Who We Are

We are 100% fee-only and independent, which allows us complete objectivity when choosing investments and analyzing our clients’ financial pictures. We do not “sell” any financial products nor receive any commissions or incentives. We work for you, and only you.

Our size allows us to be dynamic. We bring you a level of responsiveness and personal attention rarely found in large firms. We will never pass you off to a ‘sales associate.’ Because we own our practice, you will not experience the high turnover of employees that characterizes larger firms.

We use a long-term, common sense approach. Your financial future is too important to risk on the latest investing fad. Our clients stay with us for the long-term, and we only accept new clients whose goals and philosophies are in line with our own.

And, we do all of this on a completely individualized and confidential basis. No two of our clients are exactly alike, and no two financial plans should be either.

At Knickerbocker Advisors™ Inc., we care about your long-term financial well being. We value objective, practical and realistic advice. We want to ensure that all of your financial assets are working together, in a holistic fashion, to meet your goals and increase your financial well being. We can make sense of today’s investment opportunities and help you make better financial choices.